Egemenliği Antlaşmalarla Yunanistan'a Devredilmemiş Ada, Adacıklar ve Kayalıklar Sorunu
  • Üyelik

London Peace Treaty

(30 May 1913)


Traité de paix; signé à Londres, le 17/30 mai 1913.

Ephimeris du 14 novembre 1913.

Sa Majesté le Roi des Hellènes, Sa Majesté le Roi des Bulgares, Sa Majesté le Roi de Monténégro et Sa Majesté le Roi de Serbie (ci-après désignés par les mots “les Souverains Alliés”) d’une part, et Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans d’autre part, animés du désir de mettre fin au présent état de guerre et de rétablir des relations de paix et d’amitié entre leurs Gouvernements et leurs sujets respectifs, ont résolu de conclure un Traité de Paix et ont choisi à cet effet pour leurs Plénipotentiaires:

Sa Majesté le Roi des Hellènes:

Son Excellence M. Etienne Skouloudis, ancien Ministre des Affaires Etrangères;

Son Excellence M. Jean Gennadius, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Londres;

Son Excellence M. Georges Streit, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Vienne.

Sa Majesté le Roi des Bulgares:

Son Excellence M. le Dr. Stoyan Danev, Président du Sobranié;

Son Excellence M. Michel Madjarov, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Londres.

Sa Majesté le Roi de Monténégro:

Son Excellence M. Jean Popovitch, ancien Chargé d’Affaires à Constantinople;

Son Excellence M. le Comte Louis Voïnovitch, ancien Ministre de la Justice.

Sa Majesté le Roi de Serbie:

Son Excellence M. Stoyan Novakovitch, ancien Président du Conseil des Ministres;

Son Excellence M. André Nikolitch, Président de la Skoupchtina;

Son Excellence M. Milenko Vesnitch, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Paris;

Son Excellence M. Jean Pavlovitch, ancien Ministre à Sophia.

Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans:

Son Excellence Osman Nizamy Pacha, Général de Division, ancien Ambassadeur à Berlin;

Son Excellence Batzaria Effendi, Sénateur, Ministre des Travaux publics;

Son Excellence Ahmed Réchid Bey, Conseiller-légiste de la Sublime Porte;


qui, après s’être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs et les avoir trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Article 1.

Il y aura, à dater de l’échange des ratifications du présent traité, paix et amitié entre Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans d’une part, et Leurs Majestés les Souverains Alliés d’autre part, ainsi qu’entre Leurs héritiers et successeurs, Leurs Etats et sujets respectifs, à perpétuité.

Article 2.

Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans cède à Leurs Majestés les Souverains Alliés tous les territoires de son Empire sur le continent européen à l’ouest d’une ligne tirée d’Enos sur la mer Egée à Midia sur la mer Noire, à l’exception de l’Albanie.

Le tracé exact de la frontière d’Enos à Midia sera déterminé par une commission internationale.

Article 3.

Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans et Leurs Majestés les Souverains Alliés déclarent remettre à Sa Majesté l’ Empereur d’Allemagne, à Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Autriche, Roi de Bohême, &c., et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie, à M. le Président de la République Française, à Sa Majesté le Roi de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande et des Territoires britanniques au delà des Mers, Empereur des Indes, à Sa Majesté le Roi d’Italie et à Sa Majesté l’Empereur de toutes les Russies le soin de régler la délimitation des frontières de l’Albanie et toutes autres questions concernant l’Albanie.

Article 4.

Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans déclare céder à Leurs Majestés les Souverains Alliés l’île de Crète et renoncer en leur faveur à tous les droits de souveraineté et autres qu’il possédait sur cette île.

Article 5.

Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans et Leurs Majestés les Souverains Alliés déclarent confier à Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Allemagne, à Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Autriche, Roi de Bohême, &c., et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie, à M. le Président de la République française, à Sa Majesté le Roi de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande et des Territoires britanniques au delà des Mers, Empereur des Indes, à Sa Majesté le Roi d’Italie et à Sa Majesté l’Empereur de toutes les Russies le soin de statuer sur le sort de toutes les îles ottomanes de la mer Egée, l’île de Crète exeptée, et de la péninsule du Mont-Athos.

Article 6.

Sa Majesté l’Empereur des Ottomans et Leurs Majestés les Souverains Alliés déclarent remettre le soin de régler les questions d’ordre financier résultant de l’état de guerre qui prend fin et des cessions territoriales ci-dessus mentionnées à la commission internationale convoquée à Paris, à laquelle ils ont délégué leurs représentants.

Article 7.

Les questions concernant les prisonniers de guerre, juridiction, nationalité et commerce seront réglées par des conventions spéciales.

Article final.

Le présent traité sera ratifié et les ratifications seront échangées à Londres dans le plus bref délai possible.

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires des Hautes Parties contractantes ont signé le présent traité et y ont apposé leurs sceaux.

Fait à Londres, le 17 (30) mai 1913, à midi (heure de Greenwich).

Etienne Skouloudis.                  Dr. St. Daneff.

J. Gennadius.                          M. Iv. Madjaroff.

G. Streit.

                                               J. Popovitch.

                                               L. de Voïnovitch.

                                               Stojan Novakovitch.

                                               And. Nikolitch.

                                               Mil. R. Vesnitch.

                                               Ivan Pavlovitch.

                                               Osman Nizamy.

                                               N. Batzaria.

                                                       Ahmed Réchid.


Ege Denizi'nde Türkiye'nin karasuları içerisinde bulunan ada, adacık ve kayalıklara ilişkin olarak çeşitli kaynaklardan derlenen bilgilerle oluşan liste aşağıdaki gibidir. Liste henüz taslak durumdadır. Bilgiler doğrulandıkça liste güncellenecektir.

Ege Denizi'nde Türkiye'ye ait olan ada, adacık ve kayalıklara ilişkin olarak ahdi düzenleme büyük ölçüde Lozan Barış Antlaşması ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Lozan Barış Antlaşması'nın 6. madde hükmüne göre "...İşbu Andlaşmada tersine bir hüküm olmadıkça, deniz sınırları kıyıdan üç milden aşağı uzaklıktaki ada ve adacıkları kapsar" denilmektedir. 12. madde hükmüne göre ise "İmroz ve Bozca Adaları ile Tavşan Adaları dışında, Doğu Akdeniz Adaları ve özellikle Limni, Semendirek, Midilli, Sakız, Sisam ve Nikarya Adaları üzerinde Yunan egemenliğine ilişkin 17/30 Mayıs 1913 günlü Londra Andlaşmasının beşinci ve 1/14 Kasım 1913 günkü Atina Andlaşmasının on beşinci Maddeleri hükümleri uyarınca 13 Şubat 1914 günkü Londra Konferansında alınıp 13 Şubat 1914 günü Yunan Hükümetine bildirilen karar, işbu Andlaşmanın İtalya'nın egemenliği altına konulan ve on beşinci Maddede yazılı olan Adalara ilişkin hükümleri saklı kalmak koşulu ile, doğrulanmıştır. Asya kıyısından üç milden az uzaklıkta bulunan Adalar, işbu Andlaşmada tersine hüküm olmadıkça, Türkiye egemenliği altında kalacaktır" hükmü yer almaktadır. Dolayısıyla İmroz ve Bozcaada ile Tavşan Adaları'nın yanı sıra asya kıyısından itibaren 3 millik karasuları içinde kalan ada, adacık ve kayalıklar aksine bir düzenleme bulunmadığı takdirde Türkiye'nin egemenliğinde bırakılmıştır. 

Aşağıda listelenen ada, adacık ve kayalıklar büyük ölçüde Türkiye'nin Lozan'da kabul edilen 3 millik karasuları içerisinde yer alanlardır. Bu ada, adacık ve kayalıkların büyük bir kısmı Ege Denizi'nde yer almakla birlikte bir kısmı Balıkesir ilinin Marmara Denizi'ne bakan kısmında yer almaktadır.

Türkiye'nin Marmara Denizi, Karadeniz ve Akdeniz kıyılarında da ada, adacık ve kayalıkları bulunmaktadır. Bunların listesi de ayrıca verilecektir.


Bağlı Bulunduğu İl Yaygın Adı Diğer Adları Coğrafi Formasyon Türü Koordinatları Yüzölçümü Açıklama
Çanakkale Aksaz Adası             
Aldridge Kayası            
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Bozcaada Tenedos          
Çanakkale Büyük Ada Hedef Adası, Saros ya da Yunus Adası          
Çanakkale, Biga Büyükada            
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Eşek Adası  Ortafener Adası          
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Gökçe Adası            
Çanakkale, Gökçeada Gökçeada İmroz          
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Horoz Taşları            
Çanakale, Bozcaada İncirli Ada            
Çanakkale Karaada Rabbit Adası          
Çanakkale Küçük Ada Saros ya da Defne Adası          
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Küçük Eşek Adası            
Çanakkale, Biga Küçükada            
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Mavna Adası Yıldız Adası          
Çanakkale Minik Ada Böcek Adası          
Çanakkale Orak Adası            
Çanakkale Pırasa Adası            
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Sıçan Adası Sıçancık Kayası Talbot Kayası          
Çanakkale Sıçancık Adası            
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Taş Adası Taş Adası          
Çanakkale Tavşan Adası  Eşek Adası ya da Karayer Adası          
Çanakkale Tavşan Adası            
Çanakkale Tavşanlı Adası            
Çanakkale Üçadalar             
Çanakkale Yılan Adası            
Çanakkale Çanakkale Yumurta Adası            
Çanakkale, Biga Yumurtaada            
Çanakkale, Bozcaada Zorlu Adası            
Adataş Adası            
Balıkesir Akçaada             
Akoğlu Adası Kedi Adası          
Ayvalık  Balıkesir Akvaryum Adası Karaada          
  Cunda Adası Alibey Adası            
Aslı Adacığı            
Asmalı Adası            
Avşa Adası Türkeli Adası Avşar Adası Arablar Adası          
Büyük İlyosta Adası Güneş Adası          
Büyük Karaada Balık Adası          
Büyük Maden Adası Maden Adası          
Çıplak Ada            
Çiçek Adası            
Ekin Kayası            
Ekinlik Adası            
Eşek Adası Marmara ya da Işık Adası          
Fener Adası            
Gizli Kaya            
Göz Adası Raftel Adası          
Güneş Kayası            
Güvercin Adası            
Hali Adası Issız Ada          
Hasır Adası            
Hasır Adası            
Hayırsız Ada            
Hızır Reis Adası            
Ikız Kayalar            
Balıkesir İkizkayalar Adası             
Balıkesir Kalemli Adası             
Kamış Adası Kara Ada Kalın Ada          
Balıkesir Karaada Kalamo          
Balıkesir Karaada Kodon          
Kayainönü Adası            
Kılavuz Adası Pınar Adası ya da Mosko Adası          
Kırlangıç Kayaları            
Kız Adası            
Balıkesir Kızlarmanastırı            
Koyun Adası            
Kötürüm Adası            
Kumru Adası            
Kuş Adası Bala Adası Pala Adası          
Küçük İlyosta Adası Yumurta Adası          
Küçük Karaada Kutu Adası ya da Balkan Adası          
Küçük Maden Adası            
Balıkesir Küçükerdek Adası            
Lale Adası Dolap Adası, Soğan Adası          
Mamalı Adası Mamalya Adası          
Marmara Adası            
Martı Adası            
Öker Adası            
Erdek Palamut Adası            
Paşalimanı Adası            
Balıkesir Pirgos Islets             
Balıkesir Sazlıada             
Sedef Adası Tavşan Adası          
Sefil Ada            
Soğan Adası            
Taş Adası  Kayabaşı Adası          
Taşlı Ada            
Tavşan Adası            
Tavuk Adası            
Balıkesir Tüzüner Adası            
Yalnız Ada            
Yelken Ada            
Ayvalık Yellice Adası  Poyraz Adası ya da İncirli Adası          
Yer Adası            
Yumurta Adası            
Yuvarlak Ada            
Zeytinli Adası            
İzmir, Urla Adacık            
Akça Adası            
İzmir, Aliağa Akkuş Adası            
İzmir, Foça Azaplar Kayalığı Venedik Kayaları          
İzmir, Seferihisar Bahadır Adası Palamut Adası, Seferihar          
İzmir, Karaburun Balta Adası            
İzmir Boğaz Adası            
İzmir, Urla Boş Ada            
Bozalan Adası Çarufa Adası          
İzmir, Aliağa Bozburun Adaları            
Böğürtlen Adası            
İzmir, Karaburun Büyükada Sahip Adası          
Çiçek Adası  Kanlı Ada          
İzmir, Seferihisar Çiftekale Adası Çıfıtkalesi Adası          
Çiğdem Adası Tava Adası ya da Çırakan Adası          
İzmir, Karaburun Çolak Kayalar            
İzmir, Seferihisar Doğanbey Adası Doğan Adası          
İzmir, Seferihisar Eşek Adası Eçek Adası          
İzmir, Dikili Eşek Adası            
Garip Adası  Güvercin Kayası          
İzmir, Urla Gerence Adası            
Güneş Kayası            
İzmir, Urla Güvendik Adası Kel Ada          
Güvercin Adası            
İzmir, Foça Güvercin Adası Foça          
İzmir, Foça Hayırsız Ada            
İzmir, Urla Hekim Adası            
İzmir Aliağa İkiz Adalar            
İzmir İkizkardeşler             
İzmir, Foça İncir Adası  Sağırada          
İzmir, Urla İncirli Ada Taş Adası          
İncirli Adası            
Kalem Adası Kalbur Kayası          
İzmir, Karaburun Kara Ada  Gönye Adası ya da Goni Adası          
İzmir, Aliağa Kara Ada            
İzmir, Urla Karabağ Adası            
İzmir, Urla Karantina Adası Yollucaada          
İzmir, Dikili Kızkulesi Adası Mardaliç Adası          
İzmir, Seferihisar Körmen Adası Bölme Adası          
İzmir, Aliağa Küçükada            
İzmir, Karaburun Küçükada            
İzmir, Foça Metalik Adası            
İzmir, Çeşme Mustafaçelebi Adası            
İzmir, Urla Nergis Adası            
İzmir, Foça Oğlak Adası Fener Adası          
İzmir, Foça Orak Adası Foça;          
İzmir, Aliağa Pırasa Adası            
İzmir, Urla Pırnallı Ada            
İzmir Pide Adası            
İzmir, Karaburun Raks Adaları            
İzmir, Menderes Sıçan Adası            
İzmir, Çeşme Süngükaya Adası  Fener Adası          
Tasilhli Adası            
İzmir, Aliağa Tavşan Adası            
İzmir, Urla Tektaş Adacık            
İzmir, Çeşme Toprak Ada Alev Ada          
İzmir, Karaburun Toprak Ada Platya Adası          
Ufak Ada            
Uzun Ada            
İzmir, Urla Uzunada            
İzmir, Karaburun Üçadalar Adsız Adalar          
İzmir, Çeşme Yassıada   Gerende        
İzmir Yılan Adası            
Urla Yılan Adası            
İzmir, Urla Zafer Adası            
Aydın, Kuşadası Bayrak Adası Abanoz Adası ya da Boğaz Adası           
Aydin, Söke Çil Adası            
Aydın Dalyan Adası             
Aydın, Söke Dil Adaları            
Aydın Dipburnu Adası            
Aydın, Didim Gökada            
Aydın İkizce             
Aydın Karahayıt Adası             
Aydın, Kuşadası Kargı Adası            
Aydın, Kuşadası Kuş Adası Aydın ya da Güvercin Adası          
Aydın Kuyulu Adası            
Aydın, Didim Panayır Adası Altınada          
Aydın, Söke Sandal Adası            
Aydın, Didim Saplı Ada            
Aydın, Kuşadası  Sıçan Adası            
Aydın, Söke Su Adası            
Aydın, Didim Tavşan Adası            
Aydın, Didim Yeşilada   Didim ya da Plaka Adası        
Bodrum Akçalı Adası            
Datça Akçalı Adası            
Milas Alagün Adası            
Bodrum Anani Adası            
Marmaris Arap Adası             
Ayak Adası            
Ortaca Baba Adası             
Muğla Badem Adası             
Fethiye Balaban Adası            
Fethiye Balık Kayası            
Marmaris Bedir Adası Uzun Ada, Marmaris          
Muğla, Bodrum Bekçi Kayası            
Muğla Boncuklu Adası             
Muğla, Bodrum Büyük Adası Bodrum;          
Muğla, Bodrum Büyükkiremit Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Çatal Ada            
Muğla, Marmaris Çatal Adaları            
Muğla, Bodrum Çatal Adası            
Bodrum Çatalada Pırasa Adası          
Muğla, Bodrum Çavuş Adası Eski Fener Adası          
Muğla, Bodrum Çelebi Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Çiftlik Ada            
Muğla, Datça Çiftlik Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Değirmen Adası            
Muğla, Köyceğiz Delikada            
Dişlice Adası            
Muğla Domuz Adası             
Muğla, Bodrum Fener Adası            
Muğla Geçit Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Gelibolu Adası            
Fethiye Gemiler Adası St. Nicholas Adası          
Muğla, Fethiye Gemiler Adası            
Göcek Adası            
Muğla Görecek             
Muğla Güllük İkiz Adası             
Hacıhalil Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Hasanhüseyin Adası            
Muğla İçada             
Muğla, Bodrum İkizadalar            
Muğla, Marmaris İncirli Adası            
İz Kayası            
Muğla, Marmaris Kâhya Adası            
Kameriye Adası            
Gökova  Muğla Karaada            
Muğla, Bodrum Karaada            
Muğla, Marmaris Karaca Adası            
Muğla Kardak             
Muğla, Bodrum Karga Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Karga Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Kargataşı Adası            
Kargı Adası            
Kargı Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Kargı Adası            
Muğla Kargıcıkbükü Adası Çardak Ada          
Katrancık Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Keçi Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Kızıl Ada            
Fethiye Kızıl Adası            
  Muğla, Bodrum Kızılada            
Muğla, Marmaris Kızılada             
Muğla, Datça Kızılağaç Adası            
Kızlan Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Kiseli Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Kunduz Kayası            
Kuyruk Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Küçük Tavşan Adası            
Muğla Küçük Tüllüce Adası             
Muğla, Milas Küçükada            
Muğla, Bodrum Küçükkiremit Adası            
Muğla, Datça Mersincik Adası            
Muğla, Milas Metelik Adası            
Muğla Nar Adası            
Muğla Oniki Adalar            
Orak Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Orak Adası Bodrum          
Muğla Orata             
Muğla Orhaniye Adası             
Muğla, Datça Palamutbükü Adası Baba Ada          
Muğla, Bodrum Paşa Kayalığı            
Muğla, Fethiye Peksimet Adası            
Güllük,  Muğla Pırasa Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Pırasa Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Pitta Adası            
Muğla, Milas Salih Adası            
Sarıliman Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Sarımehmet Kayası            
Sarıot Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Sedir Adası            
Turgutreis,  Muğla Sıçan Adası            
Muğla, Datça Som Adası  Ata Adası          
Muğla, Marmaris Söğüt Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Suluca Adası            
Muğla, Bodrum Sünger Kayası            
Muğla Şehir Ada            
Muğla, Fethiye Şövalye Adası  Meğri Adası ya da Fetkiye Adası          
Muğla, Milas Taş Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Taşlıca Adası            
Tavşan Adası            
Datça Tavşan Adası            
Fethiye,  Muğla Tavşan Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Tavşanbükü Adası            
Muğla Tersane Adası             
Topan Adası            
Marmaris Topan Adası            
Muğla, Milas Toprak Adası  Vardalkapı Adası          
Muğla, Marmaris Turnalı Kayası            
Tüllüce Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Tüysüzce Adası            
Muğla, Milas Ufak Ada  Kırmızı Ada          
Marmaris Uzunada            
Yassı Ada            
Bodrum Yassıada             
Muğla Yassıca Adası             
Muğla, Marmaris Yediadalar            
Muğla, Marmaris Yeşil Ada            
Muğla, Milas Yılan Adası Milas          
Muğla, Marmaris Yılancık Adası            
Muğla Yılanlıada             
Muğla, Marmaris Yıldız Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Zeytin Adası            
Muğla, Marmaris Zeytinli Ada            
Fethiye Zeytinli Adası             
Muğla, Milas Ziraat Adası            


new concepts

Fuat Aksu, "Protracted Conflicts and Foreign Policy Crises in Turkish Foreign Policy", New Concepts and New Conflicts in Global Security Issues, Eds. R. Kutay Karaca and Fatma Zeynep Özkurt, İstanbul: İstanbul Gelişim University Press, 2017: 65-98.

unisci 23 aksu
Fuat Aksu,"Turkish-Greek Relations and the Cyprus Question: Quo Vadis?" UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 23 (May / Mayo 2010), pp. 207-223.


Fuat Aksu, “Doğu Akdeniz Deniz Yetki Alanları Sorunu ve Türkiye - AB İlişkileri”, Doğu Akdeniz'de Hukuk ve Siyaset, Sertaç Hami Başeren (Y. Haz.), Ankara: A.Ü. SBF Yay., 2013, ss. 159-196.


Fuat Aksu, "Confidence Building, Negotiation And Economic Cooperation Efforts In Turkish-Greek Relations (1990-2004)" Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Annual 2004, ss. 31-109


EK III : ABD'deki Rum Federasyon ve Dernekleri

Aetoloakarnanon Society
Alhlovoithitikos Syllogos Cyprion "Zinon"
Andros Societies "Agios Philippos"
Arkadian Assocation of America
Assocation of Hellenes from Egypt of America
Athenian Society
Cassian Brotherhood
Cephalonian Assocation "Aenos"
Constantinople Society
Cretan's Assocation "Omonoia"
Cyprus Federation of America
Epiros Society "Anagennessis"
Erikouson Brotherhood
Evriatanon Society of America "Evrytania"
Evrytanian Assocation of America "Velouchi"
Federation of American Hellenic Societies in Greate New York Inc.
Federation of Chian Society of New York
Federation of Dodecanese Societies of America
Federation of Micraciatic and Thracian Societies of U.S. and Canada
Federation of Sterea Hellas
G. A. P. A.
G. O. Y. A.
Greek American Cyclades Island Federation of America and Canada
Greek Rumanian Assocation of America
Hellenic American Congress
Hellenic Cultural Circle "Filiko"
Hellenic Medical Society
Hellenic Universities Graduates Assocation Inc.
Hellenic Universitiy Club
Hydras Society
Kastelorizoton Society
Kastorian Society
"Kefalos" Society
Lacedemonians Assocation
Messinian Benevolent "Aristomenis"
Monemvasioton Society
Naupaktians Brotherhood
New York Greek Society
Nisyrian Society "Gnomagoras"
Nisyrian Society "St. Jhon Theologos"
Order of A. H. E. P. A.
Panahaian Benevolent "Agia Lavra"
"Paagia Proussiotissa"
Panarcadian Federation of America
Pan-Coan Society "Hippocrates"
Pancretan Assocation of America
Paneprirotic Fedration of America
Pan-Elian Federation
Paneuboean Society
Panicarian Brotherhood Icaros
Panhiaki Society "Koreas"
Panimbrian Benevolent Society
Panlaconian Society
Panlemnian Society "Hyfestos"
Palesvian Society of America
Panmecadonian Assocation
Panmessinian Federation
Panrhodian Repr. İn New York
Pansamian Federation
Panthessalian Federation
Piraikos Benevolent Assocation
Pontion Society
Panrhodian Society of America
Panhellenic Seamens Assocation
Samos Society "Phythagoras"
Society of Macedonians "Aliakmon"
Thessalonikians Societ of St. Demetrios & Lefkos Pyrgos
Theveon Society "Epaminondas"
United Chios Society of America
United Cypriots of America
Vorioepiroton Pyrrhus Benevolent Society
Zakinthion Brotherhood
AHEPA American Hellenic Educational Progressive Assn - 1909 Q Street NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20009 Tel : 202-2326300
AHI American Hellenic Institute - 1220 16th ST. NW, Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202-7858430
American Greek Cypriot Education Association 164-16 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357 Tel: 718-7673380
American Hellenic Professional Society P.O. Box 19028 Sacramento, CA 95819 Tel: 916-4248067 (H)
American Institute for Patristic and Byzantine Studies 12 Minuet Lane Kingston, NY 10401 Tel:914-3368797 (H)
American Thymele Theatre 1202 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10028 Tel: 212-7813631 (H)
American Hellenic Dental Society AHDS 12015 Falls Road Potomic, MD 20854 Tel: 301-7625456 (H)
Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - Order of Saint Andrew 8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel: 212-5703500
Argonautes Organization 1601 Keene Rd. S. Clearwater, FL 34616 Tel: 813-5367776, Fax: 813-5361946
Athenian humanitarian Society 6 Emm Benaki Athens, 10464 Tel: 011 3013215229
Aigaion Club
Agean Friends
Apogonoi Tis Kritis Youth Chapter, Modesto 19076 Denis Way Turlock, CA 95380
Ariadne Sisterhood 3836 Harvest Drive Redwood City, CA 94061
Arkadi of Price, Utah P.O. Box 576 Price, UT 84501
Arkadi-Maleme Cretan Chapter, Pittsburgh -PA 104 Vian Drive Burgettstown, PA 15021
Agios Georgios Sikousis Society 41-18 50th Avenue Sunnyside, NY 11104 Tel: 718-7060564
Agios Philippos of Andros 21-52 29th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7282690
Andros Society 44-10 Utopia Pky Flushing, NY 11358 Tel: 718-3532146, Fax: 718-3532146
Agia Paraskeyi Macedonian Society 10 S. Baton Rouge Ave. Ventnor City, NJ 08408-3013 Tel: 609-4879371 609-3479302
Agia Trias Ladies Society 65 Valley Brook Blvd. Hinckley, OH 44233 Tel: 216-2551006
Agia Trias Macedonian Society 5595 Lansbury Lane Cleveland, OH 441-243817
Agioi Anargyroi Society 130 Chatham Rd. Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel: 215-3521725
Aimilianos Lowell MA 90 Totman Road Lowell, MA 01854
Akron Society 1278 Walton Drive Akron, OH 44313 Tel: 216-8640552
Alexander the Great -KS Mr. Thomas Gregory 8424 W. 69th Street Overland Park, KS 66204
Alexander the Great -NJ 448 Webster Avenue Piscataway, NJ 08834 Tel: 908-9685126, 908-98185551
Alexander the Great of Buffalo 115 Hunt Club Circle Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: 716-6892484, 716-8349200
Alexander Manchester NH 60 Pleasant Str Hooksett, NH 03106 Tel: 603-4353471
Aliakmon Benevolent Association 100 Central Avenue Ft. lee, NJ 07024 Tel: 201-9443026
Aliakmon Society 41 Quinby Place West Orange, NJ 07052 Tel: 201-7319233
Apostolos Pavlos Brockton 37 Pond View Brockton, MA 02401
Aristotelis Chapter -MI 33112 Breckenridge Sterling Hight, MI 48310
Aristotelis Society -IN 9813 Arthur Place Crown Point, IN 46307
Aristotelis Society of Chalkidiki 69 Tiemann Place Apt. #50 New York, NY 10027 Tel: 212-6629852
Aristotelis Society of Detroit 912 Dix Road Lincoln Park, MI 48146 Tel: 313-5225367 313-3817766
Aristovoulos Chapter 137 South Edwards Ave. Syracuse, NY 13206 Tel: 315-4377838 315-4837428
Avgerinioton Society Agia Paraskevi 307 Avon Rd. Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel: 610-3529554 610-2224722
Achaean Federation P.O. Box 2483 L I C, NY 11102 Tel: 212-3431349 Fax: 212- 3432026
Achladokambiton Fraternity 632 Lake Trail Drive Palos Park, IL 60464-2543
Adelphotis Arahoviton "Karyae" D-17 Gatewood Greenwood, SC 29646
Anavryte Ladies Society "Metamorphosis" 84 Downing Street Eat Williston, NY 11596-2533 Tel: 516-7473360, 212-7360015, Fax: 212-5642390
Ancient Order Of Lacedemoniai 2907 West Gregory Street Chicago, IL 60625
Arahoviton "Karyai" Society 3235 West Plollywood Chicago, IL 60659
Arcadian Association 9002 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Tel: 718-8332700
Argolidian Society "Danaus" 1363-23rd Ave. San Franscisco, CA 94122 Tel: 415-7591529, 415-6815212, Fax: 415-6813285
Arnioton Society of New York 1106 Surf Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11224
Ass'n of Laconian Societies of U.S. 6821 Ft. Hamilton Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11214 Tel: 718-4494784
Agrinion Social Club "St. Christofer" 31-80 41st Street Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-2041614
Anahoras Nafpaktias Society 19-22 23rd Road Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-2787220
Arahoviton Society P.O. Box 30088 Chicago, IL, 60630 Tel: (312) 889-0172
Athanasios Diakos Benevolent Ass'n P.O. Box 6172 Long Island Ci, NY 11106 Tel: (718)9563179
Athenian Club of Sacramento #1 P.O. Box 661534 Sacramento, CA 95866 Tel: 916-4811237
Athenian-Piraean Assoc. of N.E. 427 Union Street Lynn, MA 01901 Tel: 617-5938032, 617-5923050, Fax: 617-5959939
Athenians' Federation of North America P.O. Box 6052 LIC, NY 11106 Tel: 212-6662452, 718-3574200, Fax: 212-6662452
Aesculapian Thessalian Brotherhood 28-52 31 Street Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: 718-7268261
A.C.C. 266 Circle Drive Plandome Mano Manhasset, NY 11030
Adouloti Kerynia Association 7 Ag. Ioannou P.O. Box 3940 Strovolos, NICOSI T.T. 152, Tel: 357 2456464, Fax: 357 2368882
American Cyprus Association of Michigan 15706 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, MI 48121 Tel: 313-5821411, Fax: 313-5826791
American Cyprus Congress 47 Glenbrook Rd. Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Tel: 201-5397243, 201-5397243
Asgata Ass'n (Cyprus) Youth Division 293 Meadowbrook Ave Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Asgata Society 138-29 10th Ave Malba, NY 11357 Tel: 718-7676691, 516-8730999, Fax: 516-8730986
Ass'n of Asgata Cyprus - Youth, 293 Meadowbrook Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Asia Minor Hellenic American Society (AMHAS) 181 Pinehurst Road Munroe Falls, OH 44262 Tel: 330-6886575
Asia Minor Holocaust Memorial Observance Committee 1004 East 17th Street Brooklyn, NY 11230 Tel: 718-3774656
Ass'n of Hellenes from Egypt in America P.O. Box 1199 G.C.Station New York, NY 10163 Tel: 718-7621505
Ass'n of Pontic Hellenism of USA 4818 59th Place New York NY 11377, Tel: 718-5652515.
Bay Area Greek American Business Ass'n 22 Battery Street 1100 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415-9270615
Benevolent Society of Platanos Naupaktias 194-10 Station Rd Flushing NY, 11358 Tel: 718-3579424
Brotherhood of Grammos 10651 S. 84th Avenue Palos Hills, IL 60465 Tel: 312-9741329
Benevolent Ass'n Koujounara Pilias 634 80th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 Tel: 718-8333822
Brotherhood of Kaspians of Arcadia 5040 N. Parkison Avenue Chicago, IL 60630 Tel: 312-2866788
Brotherhood of May 26 1821 3451 Whirlway Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 Tel: 847-2919548
Brotherhood of Levadiotans 241 Terrace Drive Naperville, IL 60565
Benevolent Cyprians Ass'n "Zenon" 47-01 30th Avenue Astoria, NY 11103 Te;" 718-7211483
Commity of Pontian Research Archion Pontou, Greek Pontian History and Culture
Center for Hellenism Damianos Foundation
Chian Federation
Cretan Association Omonoia (New York)
The Cyprus X-Files
Congressional Hume Rights Foundation 1056 T. Jefferson Street NW Washington, DC 200007-3813 Tel: 202-3331407
Council for Greek American Affairs 200 east 74th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel: 212-7441735
Cypreco of America 23-50 27th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-6267596
Cretan Ass'n -AZ 2028 W. Gardenia Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021
Cretan Ass'n -Grtr Wash. DC 15610 Sycamore Lane Rockville, MD 20853-1451
Cretan Ass'n Akrotiri, Lowell, MA 18 Naple Avenue Salem, MA 01970
Cretan Ass'n Kazantzakis Washington DC, 6505 Lone Oak Drive W. Bethesda, MD 20817
Cretan Ass'n Minos Astoria NY 195-04 45th Avenue Flushing, NY 11358
Cretan Ass'n Minos Salt Lake City, Utah 3698 Viewcrest Circle E Salt Lake City, UT 84117
Cretan Ass'n of Akron 1650 W. Market Street Akron, OH 44313
Cretan Ass'n of Miami 2414 N.Federal Hway Hollywood, FL 33020
Cretan Ass'n of Philadelphia & South Jersey 707 Briarwood Court Yeardley, PA 19067
Cretan Ass'n of S. California 28612 Stokowski Drive Rancho Palos V, CA 90275
Cretan Ass'n of San Jose, CA 18812 Kosich Drive Saratoga, CA 95070
Cretan Ass'n Omalos, Norforlk, VA 8705 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505
Cretan Ass'n Omonoia of New York 32-33 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106
Cretan Ass'n Omonoia of New Orange Country, CA 140 Linden Ave #732 Long Beach, CA 90802
Cretan Ass'n Pseloretes of Detroit 8910 Embassy Sterling Heigh, MI 48078
Cretan Ass'n Pseloretes Sioux City, Iowa 2210 Highland Sioux City, IA 11230
Cretan Brotherhood of New York 1811 Coney Island Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11230
Cretan Brotherhood Therisson Wisconsin, 1230 120th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53144
Cretan Chapter Kritiki Foni FL, 252 Cortez Rd. West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Tel: 561-5858785
Cretan Chapter Lefka Oree, Modesto CA 1516 Rosano Avenue Modesto, CA 95355
Cretan Chapter of Las Vegas 4324 Garland Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89120
Cretan Chapter of Pocatello 1260 Fern Place Pocatello, ID 83201
Cretan Fraternity of Chicago & Suburbs 5941 N. Milwaukee Chicago, IL 60646
Cretan Juniors - Salt Lake City 864 E 1300 So. Salt Lake City, UT 84121
Cretan Ladies Ass'n "Pasiphae" 32-33 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106
Cretan Ladies Ass'n Amalthia 5941 N. Milwaukee Chicago, IL 60646
Cretan Ladies Ass'n KPHTH 15286 Miller Street Oak Park, MI 48237
Cretan Ladies Ass'n of Cleveland 30021 Truman Avenue Wickliffe, OH 44092
Cretan Ladies Ass'n Proodos MA, 35 Carew Street Springfield, MA 01104
Cretan Sisterhood of New York 7423 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11106
Cretan Youth "Labrys" 32-22 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106
Cretan Youth of Chicago 5941 N. Milwaukee Chicago, IL 60646
Cretan Youth of Pittsburgh "Daskalogiannis" 406 Wimer Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Tel: 412-3662609
Cretan Youth of San Francisco 3186 Turk Boulevard San Francisco, CA 94118
Cretans Fraternity White Mountains, Inc. P.O. Box 623 New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Cretans of Connecticut "E. Venizelos" 6 Elizabeth Road Farmington, CT 06704
Cephalonian Ass'n "Aenos" 23-17 29th Sreet Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7261840
Cephalonian Brotherhood 5029 W. Coyle Avenue Skokie Il 60077
Cephalos Society of New York 20-41 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-2048431
Cephalos Youth Organization 20-41 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-2048431
Chian Federadion 44-01 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 Tel: 718-2042550
Chian Federation Society "Agios Georgios" 48-35 41st Street Sunnyside, NY 11104 Tel: 718-3920618
Chian Federation Society of Afrodisia 83-02 6th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11209 Tel: 718-9214443
Chian Federation Society of Gala 21-19 35th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tl: 718-4720488
Chian Federation Society of Amades 78 Greenbeth Parkway Holbrook NY 11741 Tel: 516-4720488
Chian Federation Society of Didima 24-58 Crescent Street Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: 718-7216023
Chian Federation Society of Elata 51-07 199th Street Flushing, NY 11365 Tel: 718-4280270
Chian Federation Society of Kambia 78 Friend Terrace Harrington, NJ 07640 Tel: 201-7843418
Chian Federation Society of Kardamyla 7919 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY. 11207 Tel: 516-6811640
Chian Federation Society of Karyes 821 Throngs Neck Pkwy Bronx, NY 10446 Tel: 718-8297677
Chian Federation Society of Mesta 5 Lamar Place Norwood, NJ 07648 Tel: 201-7676097
Chian Federation Society of Mikrasiatikos 86 James St. Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Tel: 201-7489462
Chian Federation Society of Nehori 196-35 44th Ave Bayside, NY 11358 Tel: 718-4289037
Chian Federation Society of Parparia 1840 Washington Ave. Seford NY 11783 Tel: 516-7857474
Chian Federation Society of Pelineon 153 State Street Teaneck, NJ 0766 Tel: 201-4405427
Chian Federation Society of Pirgi 70-16 Utopia Parkway Fresh Meadows, NY 11363 Tel: 718-5911952
Chian Federation Society of Pispilounta 21-44 45th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-6262766
Chian Federation Society of Tholo Potami 21-13rd RD Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-9561315
Chian Federation Society of Trypes 40 Ames Ave. Bergenfield, NJ 07621 Tel: 201-3842879
Chian Federation Society of Vessa Elliot Ave. Middle Village, NY 11379 Tel: 718-4575949
Chian Federation Society of Viki 23-47 26th Street Astoria NY 11105 Tel: 718-7263537
Chian Federation Society of Vrodado 101-24 Nicolls Ave Corona, NY Tel: 718-7793261
Cleopatra-Boston 17 Woodpark Circle lexington, MA 02173
Calavrytan Fraternity "Lavaron of 1821" 23-62 32nd Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-2047813
Central Society Tsipianiton 2639 Landwehr Glenview, IL 60024 Tel: 312-2725062
Cyprian of New Jersey 3225 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, NJ 07305
Cypriot Benevolent Society of Tidewater, VA 1649 Willow Wisp Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Tel: 804-4280060
Cypriot Brotherhood of Chicago 638 Park Place Park Ridge, IL 60068 Tel: 708-6982379
Cypriot Society Youngstown, OH & Vicinity 91 Oxford Street Cambell, OH 44405 Tel: 216-7556960
Cypriots of New Jersey 3225 Kennedy Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07306 Tel: 201-3339815
Cyprus Brotherhood of Philadelphia 1116 Foss Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Tel: 518-3560697
Cyprus Federation of America c'o J. F. Contracting 909 Bayridge Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11219 Tel: 718-9213352
Cyprus Federation of America CA 1685 Suncrest Court Wlanut Creek, CA 94596 Tel: 510-9323530
Cyprus Federation of America FL 2531 U.S. Highway 19 Holiday, FL 34691 Tel: 813-8419549
Cyprus Federation of America MI c/o Fairfax Mrkt 899 Beacon St Grosse Pt. Pk, MI 48230 Tel: 313-8227074
Cyprus Federation of America NJ 130 Route 46 (Vienna Rd.) Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Tel: 908-9526070
Cyprus Federation of America NY 26-42 169th Street Flushing, NY 11358 Tel: 718-3587002
Cyprus Museum 200 Memorial Drive Jakcsonville, NC 28546 Tel: 910-4552574
Daughters of Minos Salt Lake City, Utah 2474 East 9th South Circle Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Delian League of Pittsburgh 406 Wimer Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Tel: 412-3662609
Daphne Society of Philadelphia 327 W. Oakrest Avenue Northfield, NJ 08225 Tel: 609-6453927
Daughters of Olymbias 34 Rockland Circle Brockton, MA 02401
Draminon Society Agia Barbara 32-21 154th Street Flushing, NY 11365 Tel: 718-7470548
Draminon Society of NY 35-26 41st Street Astoria, NY 11101-1414
Drosopigi Society 17 Chatham Woods Pittsford, NY 14534 Tel: 716-2485408
Daughters of Laconia Boston 138 Harvard Street Newtonville, MA 02160 Tel: 617-2445416
Daughters of Roumeli Society 25-39 37th Street Astoria, NY 11103 Tel: 718-2788659
Diplatanos Society "Agia Marina" 2329 East 73rd Street Brooklyn, NY 11234 Tel: 718-2512636
Dorieon Makrygiannis Society 18538 ridgewood Lansign, IL 60438 Tel: 708-8958764
Enosis - Union of Constantinopolitans
Panepirotic Feder. Of America, Canada And Australia
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Choirs 71 Olive Rd. Paramus, NJ 07652 Tel: 201-4448329
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting 862 Guy Lombardo Ave. Freeport NY 11520 Tel: 516-8684092
Elpides 29-28 Ditmars Blvd. Astoria NY 11105 Tel: 212-5178932
Elpis Society 426 Bowman Dr. Kent, OH 44240 Tel: 330-6739188
Eperoton Syllogos 6552 N. Troy chicago, IL 60645
Epirotes Society of Philadelphia P.O. Box 1246 Havertown, PA 19083 Tel: 610-4461463
Efxinos Pontos Society 962 East Ave Rochester, NY 14625
Emmanuel Pappas Society 505 Latchwood Ave. Upper Darby, PA 19082
Enosis Demovaltetsioton (Arcadia) 7430 W. Diversey Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60635 Tel: 708-4525137
Epidavrou Limiras Ass'n 32-11 3rd Street Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-2780597
Evrotas Society of Chicago 7627 West Belmond Elmwood, IL 60635
Evrytanian Association of America "Velouchi" 121 Greenwich Rd. Suite 212 Charlotee, NC 28211 Tel: 704-3666571
Evrytanon Society of America "Evrytania" 372 3rd Avenue New York NY 10016 Tel: 212-5324409
El Greco Chapter of Michigan 1038 Walsh Street Grand Rapids, IA 49507
Eleftheria Sisterhood of Modesto 1516 Rosario Avenue Modesto, CA 95355
Epimenides of San Francisco 2350 Alameda Delas Pulgas Woodside, CA 94062
Erotokritos Aretousa of L.I. 7 Magnolia Lane Woodbury, NY 11797
EFOKA 22-20 26th Street Astoria, NY 11105
Eleftheria Pancryprian 20-27 14th Street Whitestone, NY 11357 Tel: 718-3211611
Enosis Lefkariton 28-16 50th Street Woodside, NY 11377 Tel: 718-2746827
Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York
Federation of Accosiated of Laconian Societies
Fthiotida - Dikastro
Fed'n Hellenic American Societies of So. CA 10357 Brookshire Ave Downey, CA 90241 Tel: 310-8695582
Fed'n of G.O. Church Choirs & Mucisians 437 Lincoln Blvd. #2F Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 516-2656647 email: Bu e-Posta adresi istenmeyen posta engelleyicileri tarafından korunuyor. Görüntülemek için JavaScript etkinleştirilmelidir.
Fed'n of Hellenic Societies of Grtr NY 25-56 31st Street L.I.C. NY 11105 Tel: 718-2046500
Fed'n of Hellenic Societies of Philadelphia 203 Hansell Road Newtown Square, PA 19073 Tel: 215-3535985
Fed'n of Hellenic Societies of Philadelphia 9 Lisa Drive Broomall, PA 19008 Tel: 610-3524400
Fed'n of Dodecanese Societies of America 23-18 29th Street Astoria NY 11105 Tel: 718-2782933
Fed'n of the Agean Islands 9-15 166th Street Whitestone, NY 11357 Tel: 516-6633061
Fed'n of the Island of Lesvos 316 Babylon Road Horsham, PA 19044 Tel: 215-6720950
Florinioton Society 431 Walnut Street Washington Twn, NJ 07675 Tel: 201-6640184
Florinioton Society "Alexander the Great" 37619 Bloomfield Dr Levonia, MI 48154
Fed'n of Laconian Societies 68-21 Ft. Hamilton Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11219 Tel: 718-2381788
Fed'n of Sterea Hellas NJ 643 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Tel: 301-7951151
Fed'n of Sterea Hellas NY 41-04 Ditmars Blvd Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-3213179
Fed'n of Sterea Hellas of USA 147-37 Beach Ave. Ste 48 Flushing, NY 11355 Tel: 718-3213179
Fed'n of Micrasiatic & Thracian Societies 420 W. Burne Drive Broomall, PA 19008
Greek Cypriot Organization of Internation Students at Hofstra University in NY
The Greek community in Australia's Northern Territory
Greek Community of Ukraine in Mariupol
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation in Atlanta Georgia
Greek Youth of Wiesbaden
Greek Educational office of Stuttgart
Glasgow University Hellenic Web Page
Greek American Educational Public Information System (GAEPIS) (GAEPIS) 59 Shermerhorn Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: 718-4889500
Greek Children's Fund 72 Burkhardt Lane Harrington, NJ 07640
Greek-American Folklore Society 25-14 Broadway Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-9563544
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
G.A.P.A. Greek American Progressive Ass'n 2941 Voelkel Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Tel: 412-3781965
Global Cultural Center Assoc. P.O. Box 265464 Daytona, FL 32126-5464 Fax: 904-2558026
Greek American Behavioral Sciences Institute P.O. Box 2745 New York NY 10185 Tel: 718-7624436
Greek American Historical Society of Philadelphia 9 Appletree Court Philadelphia, PA 19106 Tel: 215-6299885
Greek American Home Owner's Ass'n 23-49 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-9565505
Greek American Lions Club 948 Mansion Rd. Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Tel: 610-4494333
Greek and Americans for Making Excellent Students G.A.M.E.S. P.O. Box 406 Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Tel: 914-9731805
Greek Information Bureau of So. CA 18653 Ventura Blvd. #186 Tarzana, CA 91356 Tel: 818-8818798
Giannitsa Society 22-17 19th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7282136
Grammos Society 4320 North Nottingham Noridge, IL 60634 Tel: 708-4571889
Greek Macedonian Ass'n Mr. W. Pahoulis 22 Wilma Avenue Youngstown, OH 44512
Greek Macodonian Society 5205 N. Meade Chicago, IL 60630 Tel: 312-3270152
Greek Macedonian of Cincinnati 7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Tel: 513-4818611
Grevena Society "Ziakas" 2904 W Summerdale Chicgo, IL 60625
Gargalianon Society 2243 Swainwood Drive lenview, IL 60025 Tel : 312-9981786
Gerakas Society of New York 121 Clinch Street Garden City, NY 11530
Gerakion Society "Kastro" 7842 Leamington Burbank, IL 60068
Gortynia Society of Chicago 110 N. Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068-2813
Hellenic Society - Hull University
Hellenic Community of Niles West High School Skokie Illinois, USA
Hellenic Society of Glascov University
Hellenic Society of Dundee - UK
Hellenic Law Society of Northern California
Hanac 49 West 45th Street 4th floor, New York, NY 10036. Tel : 212-840-8005,
Hellenic Society of Odu
Hellenic Literature Society
Hellenic Writer's Association of Australia
The Hellenic Doberman Club
Hellenic American Academy 10701 South Glen Road Potomac, MD 20854
Hellenic American Bankers Association, Inc P.O. Box 48, Church Str. Stati new York, NY 10008 Tel 203-2228431
Hellenic American Bar Association of NJ 505 Main Street Suite 304 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Tel: 201-7682355
Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce 960 Avenue of the Americas, St. New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212-6296380
Hellenic American Cultural Ass'n of Colorado 1601 Sagewood Drive Fort Collins, CO 80525 Tel: 970-4857414
Hellenic American Nat'l Council 5941 N. Milwaukee Chicago, IL 60646 Tel: 312-9948477
Hellenic American Police Ass'n 7511 N. Olcott Ave. Chicago IL, 60631 Tel: 312-6311986
Hellenic American Social Club of SW Florida 872 North Entrada Ave. Ft. Myers, FL 33919 Tel: 941-4814814
Hellenic Bar Association 33 N. Lasalle Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60602 Tel: 708-9602182
Hellenic Council on Education 6314 W. Holbrook Chicago, IL 60646
Hellenic Cultural Museum Ass'n 4283 Albright Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84124-2707 Tel: 801-2779237
Hellenic Educational & Cultural Society of VA "Socrates" 408 North Shore Rd. Norfolk, VA 23505 Tel: 757-4890736
Hellenic Foundation 5700 N. Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60660 Tel : 312-7282600
Hellenic Heritage Foundation 555 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 Tel: 614-2623934
Hellenic League of Ohio 1398 Ave. Suite 207 Lakewood, OH 44107 Tel: 216-2212766
Hellenic Medical Society of New York 11 East 68th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel: 212-6286828
Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center 168 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60601 Tel: 312-9440801
Hellenic Professional Society of IL 6456 N. Mozart Street Chicago, IL 60645 Tel: 312-7611771
Hellenic Professinal Society of Texas P.O. Box 114 Houston, TX 77001 Tel: 713-5640506
Hellenic Society "Paideia" 20 Dog Lane P.O. Box 818 Storrs, CT 06268 Tel: 860-5835643
Hellenic Society of Galveston 3102 Cove View Blvd. #8301 Galveston, TX 77554 Tel: 409-7442722
Hellenic Student Ass'n -Purdue U. 1001 Stewart Center, Box 674 West Lafayette, In 47907
Hellenic University Club of New York P.O. Box 1169 G.C. Station New York, NY 10163
Hellenic University Club of So. CA P.O. Box 45581 Los Angeles, CA 90045-0581 Tel: 310-2153130
Hellenic University Cultural Society "Solon" P.O. Box 87 Garden City, NY 11530 Tel: 516-764-6853
Human Rights Alliance 3410 White Oak Court Fairfax, VA 22030 Tel: 703-6910166
Hrisohorafiton Soc. Megas Alexandros 16 Brigham Road Worcester, MA 01619
Hrisohorafiton Youth 880 Main Street Worcester, MA 01610
Hellenic Society of Constantinople 4548 N. Reserve Chicago, IL 60656 Tel: 312-6253841
Indianapolis, Indiana HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 4011 N. Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46205-2608
ITHAKI A web site about Ithakians around the world
Ithacan Society "Odysseus" P.O. Box 6230 Long Island City, NY 11106
Justice for Cyprus - Chicago 6548 No. Glenwood Chicago, IL 60626 Tel: 708-5462777
Justice for Cyprus - Chicago P.O. Box 268500 Chicago IL, Tel: 708-4562777
Justice for Cyprus Committee 525 Grene Grove Rd Wayside, NJ 07712 Tel: 908-4939351
Justice for Cyprus Committee Grtr St. Louis 3192 Watson Road St. Louis, MO 03139
Justice for Cyprus Committee PSEKA 23-15 31 Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-2789789
Kardamyla - Metropolian Society of Kardamylians
Krokeai (Lakwnias) Society - Dioskouri
Koubaro Club 17 Candy Lane Huntington Sta, NY 11746 Tel: 516-4270701
Krikos Inc. 100 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038 Tel: 516-6271259
Cretan Association Omonoia(New York)
Kyparissioton Society of America
Kastrorians Society "Omonoia" 246 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10011 Tel: 212-2421930
Katerinioton Society NY 22-24 33rd Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7600114
Katerinioton Society of Philadelphia 49 Richfield Road Upper Derby, PA 19082 Tel: 610-3528232
Kavala Society "Filippoi" 160-19 24th Avenue Whitestone, New York 11357 Tel: (718) 746-3204
Kilkis Society 63 70th Street Guttenberg, NJ 07093 Tel: 201-8611150
Koryssos Society 161-13 Crydars Ln Beechhurst, NY 11357
Kostarazi Society of Illinois 1819 Oak Park Avenue Berwyn, IL 60402
Kostarazion Society - NY 149-12 Bayside Ave. Flushing, NY 11354 Tel: 212-4253730
Kozanis Society 57-28 226th Street Bayside, NY 11364 Tel: 212-4253730
Kalamata Benevolent Ass'n "Ypapanti" 38-11 Ditmars Blvd. St. 359 Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-9567649
Karyae Ladies Society 1721 Delchester Drive Charlotte, NC 28210
Karyae-Arahova Society of New England 2 Captain Pond Salem, NH 02186 Tel: 603-8985556
Krokeai Society of Chicago 1502 East Marcus Court Park Ridge, IL 60068
Krokeai (Lakwnias) Society - Dioskouri
Knossos Chapter of Canton 2912 Parkridge Cr. N.W. Canton, OH 44718
Karpathian Youth Organization 97-26 41st Avenue Corona, NY 11368
Karystioton Society 9621 Blue Ridge Lane Mahwah, NJ 07430 Tel: 201-6665782
Kassian Benevolent Society "The Glory of St. George" 148 W. 230th Street Bronx, NY 10463 Tel: 718-8841778
Kourounia - Egrigoros Chian Society 29 Maglie Dr. Hicksville, NY 11801 Tel: 516-4331845
Kavalasos Fraterntiy 149-14 45th Ave. Flushing, NY 11355
Komninoi Pontian Club 3693 Burrishire Drive N.W. Canton, OH 44709 Tel: 216-4922748
Pallakonian - South Australia
Lakonia - Geraki
Lesvos on Line ( Greece)
Krokeai (Lakwnias) Society - Dioskouri
Ladies of Kastoria Society 167-18 71st Avenue Flushing, NY 11365 Tel: 718-5916910
Lithorans' Association 8201 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11228 Tel: 718-7453029
Lacedemonians Ass'n of N.Y. 149 Bay 44th Street Brooklyn, NY 11214 Tel: 718-4494784
Laconians Brotherhood Mystras #50 P.O. Box 556 Camden, NJ 08101 Tel: 609-9661110
Laconian Ladies & Misses Benevolent Society 3915 Grove Avenue Brookfield, IL 60513
Laconian Progressive Ass'n Evrotas P.O. Box 859 Times Sq. Station New York, NY 10108 Tel: 212-5820959
Laconian Society of Atlanta 2046 Mountain Creek Dr., Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Laconian Society of Baltimore 36 Haddington Rd Lutherville, MD 21093
Laconian Society of S.C. 2301 Raven Trail West Columbia, SC 29169
Laconian Society of Washington DC 2615 Belle Crest Lane Silver Spring, MD 20906
Laconian Youth of Chicago 6669 North Ramona Street Lincolnwood, IL 60646
Laconians Ass'n of Long Island 121 Clinch Street Garden City, NY 11530
Ladies Hellenic Society "Agia Paraskevi" (Laconia) 5807 S. Narragonsett Chicago, IL 60638 Tel: 312-5811096
Loganikos Society of Ipswich 15 Cortland Drive Salem, MA 03079 Tel: 603-8945589
L.I.A.C.A. 23-15 Redmont Road N. Bellmore, NY 11710
Lambousa Cyprus Society P.O. Box 274 Bergenfield, NJ 07621 Tel: 201-3849330
Montreal Hellenic Community
Pan-Macedonian Youth of the United States and Canada
Magnisia Society of New York Argonaytes 41-19 23 Avenue Astoria, NY 11105 718-728-5887
Macedonian Chapter 28064 Marcia Warren, MI 48093
Macedonian Society of Florida "Alexander the Great" 1895 Virginia Street Clearwater, FL 34623 Tel: 813-7365366
Macedonian Society of Greater Chicago 4544 North Western Avenue Chicago, IL 60625 Tel: 312-2751118
Macedonian Sons and Daughters 420 Main Street Winchester, MA 01890
Macedonian Youth Society 7270 Bradford Road Upper Darby, PA 19082
Macedonians of Greater Houston P.O. Box 980184 Houston, TX 77398-0184
Macedoniki Estia of Columbus OH 2093 Sandover Ct. Colombus, OH 43220 Tel: 614-4570585
Mavrovon Society 570 Broadway Bethpage, NY 11714 Tel: 516-9318627
Megas Alexandros Society 1931 West Market Street Youngstown, OH 44485 Tel: 216-3929580
Morphy Society 678 Oakley Place Oradell, NJ 07649 Tel: 212-9576461
Mani Society of New England 517 Concord Avenue Lexington, MA 02173
Messinian Benevolent Ass'n "Aristomenis" P.O. Box 6335 Long Island Ci, NY 11106
Messinian Society Panagia Eppapande 8714 W. North Terrace Niles, IL 60714 Tel: 708-6987274
Monemvasioton Society 23-62 35th Street Astoria, NY 11105
Minos-Crete, Springfield, MA 37 Carew Street Spingfield, MA 01104
Minotavros Youth of Salt Lake City 3717 Greenbriar Way Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Mountaineer Cretans of Charleston 403 Fort Hill Drive Charleston, WV 25314
Mentiaton Society of Karpathos "5th October 1944" 8-40 Revere Avenue Trenton, NJ 08629
Mykonos Society 102 N. Broadway Joliet, IL 60463 Tel: 815-7238402
Naousaion Ass'n "Agios Demetrios" 1215A Commonwealth Ave. Allston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-2549327
Naousiaion Society "Naousa" 1600 Mayflower Ave. Bronx, NY 10461 Tel: 718-8928359
Nestorion Philanthropic Society 29849 Bryce Rd. Pepper Pike, OH 44121 Tel: 216-7651598
Nomou Florinis Society 109 Garfield Place East Rockaway, NY 11518
Navarino Messenian Society Lodge #15 San Fransisco Area 2233 Central Ave. Apt. #C Alameda, CA 94501
Naupactian Brotherhood of NY 242 Beach 124th Street Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Tel: 718-4744842
Neohoriton Society - USA 204 Poplar Avenue Hommelstown, PA 17036 Tel: 717-5666148
Nisyrian Society "Gnomagoras" 23-18 29th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-6262146
Nisyrian Society "Panagia Thermiani" 43-01 Broadway Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7267635
Nisyrian Society "St. John Theologos" 31-80 42nd Street Astoria, NY 11103 Tel: 718-5456480
Olymbos Brotherhood of America - Karpathos 4602 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224
Orthodox Christian Laity 248 Bloomfield Dr. West Palm Bch, FL 33405 Tel: 561-5850245
Oinoe Society 25-60 33rd Street Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: 718-7219739
Omonoia Flabouro Society 6 Cambric Circle Pittsford, NY 14534 Tel: 716-2488161
Order of Ladies & Knights of Sparta 6 Catumet Street Jamaica Plains, MA 02130
Orange Blossom Chapter 103 Buena Vista Drive Dunedin, FL 34698
Oragne Blossom Cretan Youth 705 Charlotte Ave. Tarpon Spirngs, FL 34689
Olymbos Brotherhood of America - Karpathos 4602 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224
Omonoia Society Aperitans of Karpathos 274 W. Passaic Street Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
Omonoia Women's Society 2 Arthur Place Montville, NJ 07045
Pallakonian - South Australia
Pan Messenian Young Adult Association, Chapter 1 (PMYAA) of Chicago Illinois
Commity of Pontian Research Archion Pontou, Greek Pontian History and Culture
Panevoikos Society (Agios Ioannis o Rossos) P.O. BOX 4747 Bayside N.Y. 11360
Panthessalikos Syllogos "ASKLIPIOS" 28-52 31st Street, Astoria, New York, Tel. (718) 267-0935
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Panepirotic Feder. Of America, Canada And Australia
Peloponnesian Union Of America
Pan-Macedonian Youth of the United States and Canada
Pontion Society Komninoi 31-25 23rd Avenue Astoria, NY 11105
Proodos Society Of Telon C/O Federation Of Dodecanese Soc. 43-01 Broadway, Astoria, NY 11103
Pan Gregorian Enetrprises of NY & LI 28-18 Steingway St. Ste. 200 Astoria, 11103 Tel: 718-7286000
Pan Hellenic Congress of W. Pennsylvania P.O. Box 100 E. Pittsburgh, PA 15112 Tel: 412-2416281
Pan Hellenic Federation of Florida 667 Snug Place Clearwater, FL 24630 Tel: 813-4412660
Pan Hellenic Federation of New England 50 Truman Rd Newton, MA 02159 Tel: 617-3964145
Phalanx of Greek Veterans of America 3190 N.W. 95th Terrace Miami, FL 33147 Tel: 305-6915858
Phos Mission, Inc. 10716 s. La Crosse Ave. Oak Laawn, IL 60453-5415 Tel: 708-4254422
Prime Timers Club 3273 Avenida Anacapa Carlsbard, CA 92009 Tel: 619-9431267
Pan Epirotic Federation of America 1790 Broadway, Ste 1315 New York, NY 11106 Tel: 212-5825091
Pyrrhus Benevolent Society 25-14 Broadway Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-2743753
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Naoussaion Assoc. St. James Chapter #15, Boston MA 199 Careswell Street Marchifield, MA 02050 Tel: 617-8373278
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Antonios Mingas Chapter, Fall River, MA 257 French Street Fall River, MA 02720 Tel: 508-6741607
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Apostolos Pavlos Chapter #10, Brockton, MA 4 Oak Ridge Drive West Brockton, MA 02401 Tel: 508-5869337
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Syllogos Katerinioton "Ta Pieria", Boston, MA 23 Indian Spring Drive Milton, MA 02186 Tel: 617-2969364
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Philipos-O-Macedon Chapter #18, Boston, MA 228 Fanevil Street Brighton, MA 02135 Tel: 617-2545725
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Pontiaki Estia, Boston MA 6 Elliston Road Weston, MA 02193 Tel: 617-2364480
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Daughters of Olympias Chapter #28, Brockton, MA 467 Crescent Street Brockton, MA 02402 Tel: 508-5888891
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Clepatra Chapter #32, Boston, MA 24 Plympton Street Woburn, MA 01801 Tel: 617-9331239
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Syllogos Thessalonikeon of New England, Boston, MA 25 Henshaw Street Brighton, MA 02135 Tel: 617-2541282
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Hrisohorafiton Union-Megas Alexandros, Worcester, MA 6 Grenada Street, Worcester, MA 01602 Tel: 508-7549391
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Panagia Soumela-Pontian Society, Boston, MA 19 Ranson Rd. Brighton, MA
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Alexandra Chapter #35, Manchester, NH 60 Pleasant Street Hooksett, NH 03106 Tel: 603-4853471
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Thessaloniki Chapter #11, Manchester, NH 450 Lowell Street Manchester, NH 03104 Tel: 603-6699751
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Nashua Chapter #9, Nashua, NH 12 Verona Street Nashua, NH 03060 Tel: 603-8333246
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Youth Chapters, New England Sons & Daughters of Alexander the Great, Boston, MA 81 Woburn Street Reading, MA 01867 Tel: 617-9442187
Pan Macedonian Ass'n "Aristotelis" 1505 Fairholme Grosse Pte Woo, MI 48236
Pan Macedonian Ass'n (Hqs) 149-14 14th Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Tel: 718-7470488
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - CA P.O. Box 51 Pallos Verdes, CA 90274
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - Chapter #38 Lowell, MA 267 Acropolis Rd. Lowell, MA 01854 Tel: 508-4544198
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - CT 128 Highwood Rd. Waterbury, CT 06708 Tel: 203-7569341
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - CT 66 Tall Pines Lane Rocky Hills, CT 06067 Tel: 203-5295298
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - DC 9710 Whitley Park Place Bethesda, MD 20814 Tel: 301-5644590
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - FL 3109 N.E. 58th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Tel: 954-7722679
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - FL 1430 Gulf Blvd #705 Clearwater, FL 34630 Tel: 813-5958242
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Hrisohorafiton Union - Daughters of Alexander the Great, Worcester, MA 6 Barr Street Worcester, MA 01602 Tel: 508-7571218
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - IL 2633 W. Coyle AVe. Chicago, IL 60845 Tel: 312-9736019
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - MA 81 Woburn Street Reading, MA 01867 Tel: 617-9442187
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - MA 24 Brierbrook Street Milton, MA 02186 Tel: 617-6983764
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - Mid Atlantic States 13720 Middle Vale Lane Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel: 301-8717395
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - Mid Western States 774 Emroy Elmhurst, IL 60128 Tel: 708-5300105
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Mid-West States (MN, WI, IL, IN) 1407 Barberry Lane Mt. Prospect, IL 60056-1561 Tel: 847-2594145
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - MO 10119 gleanfield St. Louis, MO 63126
Pan Macedonian Ass'n New England 9 Crest Street Wethersfield, CT 06109 Tel: 203-7210265
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - NH 26 Bates Road Nashua, NH 03060
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - NH 35 Crickel Lane Manchester, NH 03104 Tel: 603-6234785
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - NJ 601 Revere Ave. Linwood, NH 08221 Tel: 609-6464258
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - NYC Greater New York City 22-63 46th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-9564523
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - PA 108 Bella Drive Broomall, PA 19008 Tel: 610-3561414
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - Rochester 18 Bucky Drive Rochester, NY 14546 Tel: 716-8899088
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - South 1453 Cottonwood Terrace Dunadin, FL 34698 Tel: 813-7362246
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Southern District 4006 Leeshire Houston, TX 77025 Tel: 713-6618893
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - TX 803 Thraser San Antonio, TX 78245
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - Upstate NY 904 Ivy Ridge Ave. Apt 14 Syracuse, NY 13210 Tel: 315-4234286
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - Upstate NY 7334 Gates Road Jamesville, NY 13078 Tel: 315-4234286
Pan Macedonian Ass'n - VA 6109 C. Arlington Blvd Falls Church, VA 22044 Tel: 703-2410506
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Antonios Mingas Chapter 241 Pratt Avenue Somerset, MA 02726-5430 Tel: 508-6742506
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Cincinnati Chapter 19 7000 Winton Rd Cincinnati, OH 45224 Tel: 513-5910030
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Eastern Mid-West States 11408 Norborne Street Detroit, MI 48329 Tel: 810-8158923
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Los Angeles Chapter 1700 Paseo Del Mar Palos Verdes E. CA 90274 Tel: 310-3736734
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Nashua Chapter #9 12 Verona Street Nashua, NH 03060 Tel: 603-8833246
Pan Macedonian Ass'n of Texas 512 Richmond Avenue Houston, TX 77006
Pan Macedonian Ass'n of Texas 37-36 Like Houston, TX 77098
Pan Macedonian Ass'n of USA 9 Crest St. Wethersfield, CT 06109 Tel: 860-7210265
Pan Macedonian Ass'n of USA 4006 Leeshire Houston, TX 77025 Tel: 713-6618899
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Pacific States 2404 B Marshallfield Lane Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Tel: 310-3767341
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Pindos Chapter P.O. Box 492 Waterbury, CT 06720
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Plains States 317 Portico Drive Chesterfield, MO 62017 Tel: 314-8785883
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Sacramento, CA Chapter 3540 Robertson Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 Tel: 916-4816117
Pan Macedonian Ass'n San Diego, CA Chapter 15992-7 Avenida Villaha San Diego, CA 92128 Tel: 619-4511689
Pan Macedonian Ass'n San Francisco Chapter 61 Moraga Way Suite 5 Orinda, CA 94563 Tel: 510-2543456
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Southern States (NC, SC, GA, MS) 441 East Shore Drive Clearwater Bea, FL 34360 Tel: 813-4413915
Pan Macedonian Ass'n Chapter #117 Lowell, MA 267 Acropolis Rd. Lowell, MA 01854 Tel: 508-4544198
Pan Macedonian Soc. of Philadelphia "Pavlos Melas" 784 Garrett Road Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel: 215-3527676
Pan Macedonian Soc. of Philadelphia "Ladies of Amalia" 2028 Sussex Blvd. Broomall, PA 19008 Tel: 215-3567133
Pan Macedonian Societies of Greater Philadelphia 784 Garrett Road Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel: 215-3526156
Pan Macedonian Studies Center 149-14 14th Ave. Whitestone, NY 11356 Tel: 718-9564523
Pan Macedonian Thessaloniki Chapter New England District 450 Lowell Street Manchester, NH 03104 Tel: 603-6699751
Pan Macedonian Youth of PA 203 Hansell Road Newtown Square, PA 19073 Tel: 215-3535989
Pan-Kilkisioton Associaton 144 Pollok Place Hicksville, NY 11801 Tel: 516-8225371
Pavlos Melas Society 423 W. Chew Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19120 Tel: 609-4679096
Philanthropic Society Elpis - IL 5746 N. Rockwell Chicago, IL 80659
Philippos of Macedon 2 Viking Road Winchester, MA 01890
Philopatria Velvedinon Society 609 Central Blvd. Broomall, PA 19008 Tel: 610-3561085
Polykastro Society 5001 Atlantic Avenue Ventnor City, NJ 08406
Ptolemaios Chapter of Rochester 128 Havenshire Rd. Rochester, NY 14825
Pan Arcadian Association 900 Mercery Ave. Silver Springs, MD 20901 Tel: 301-5932229
Pan Arcadian Federation of America 212 Austin Ave. Park Ridge, IL 60068 Tel: 312-7745300
Pan Arcadian Federation of America "Geros Tou Morea" 31-14 35th Street #26 Long Island City, NY 11106 Tel: 718-2742187
Pan Elean Federation of America & Canada 18 Mill Rd. Eastchester, NY 10707 Tel: 914-9618121
Pan Eliakos Society of New York 29-10 Union Street Flushing, NY 11354 Tel: 718-9390883
Pan Elian Federation 300 Colonial Road Florence, MA 01843 Tel: 508-7943758
Pan Laconian Federation 2949 W. Devon Chicago, IL 60659 Tel: 312-2743610
Pan Laconian Federation (NY-NJ-CT) 116 New Market Road Garden City NY 11530 Tel: 516-7429216
Pan Laconian Federation (PA-DE) 519 Brookfield Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Tel: 610-6235900
Pan Laconian Federation (Midwest States) 7824 Leamington Burbank, IL 60459 Tel: 708-4231269
Pan Laconian Federation (Southeast States) 4212 Willingham Drive Columbia, SC 22015 Tel: 803-7872149
Pan Laconian Federation (VA-MD-DC) 8916 Kenilworth Drive Burke, VA 22015 Tel: 703-9780754
Pan Laconian Federation of United States & Canada, Inc. 14 Harding Street Lowell, MA 01851 Tel: 508-4536200
Pan Laconian Progressive Brotherhood of Illinois 5849 West Emerson Morton Grove, IL 60053
Pan Laconian Society of Boston 158 Newport Street Arlington, MA 02174
Pan Laconian Society of Lowell P.O. Box 8425 Lowell, MA 01853
Pan Messinian Federation of America 3950 South Karlov Chicago, IL 60632 Tel: 312-8477433
Parnon Philanthropic Society of Chicago 4525 North keystone Avenue Chicago, IL 60630
Patrinon Society "Kostis Palamas" P.O. Box 2162 Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: 718-2295690
Petrina Brotherhood 6821 Ft. Hamilton Pkwy Brooklyn, NY 11219 Tel: 718-8333468
Petrina Society of Chicago 1206 E. Fairview St., Apt. 105 Arlington Hght, IL 60006-2848
Potamia Society of New York 72 Calvert Avenue West Babylon, NY 11704
Paleo Fokaikis Society "The Elevation of the Holy Cross" 3445 Orchard Str. Weirton, WV 26062ard, CA 92009 Tel: 619-9431267
Pan-Euboean Society 31-80 41st Street Astoria, NY 11103
Panagia Proussiotissa Syllogos Evrytanon 196-10 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358
Panevoikos Society of America, Inc. P.O. Box 4747 Bayside, NY 11360 Tel: 718-7218496
Pan Thessalian Federation 28-52 31st Street Astoria, NY 11102
Pan Cretan Ass'n Knossos Chapter of Canton, OH 2912 Parkridge Cr. N.W. Canton, OH 44718 Tel: 330-4921489
Pan Cretan Ass'n - CO 2184 So. Dayton St. Denver, CO 80231 Tel: 303-7506577
Pan Cretan Association of America 8360 Lake Forest Drive Sacramento, CA 95826 Tel: 916-3833405
Pan Cretan Federation of America 101 Kings Grant Rd. Weston, MA 02193 Tel: 617-8911471
Pan Cretan Youth of America 20-51 21st Street Astoria, NY 11105
Pancretan Ass'n of America Sitia GNO Chapter #707 14 Shenandoah Street Kenner, LA 70069-1025
Phileleftheroi of Rhode Island 139 Illinois Street Central Falls, RI 02863
Pan Cycladic Federation of America 2152 29th Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 516-2654104
Pan Dodecanesian Ass'n "Xanthos Philikos" 12201 St. James Rd. Potomac, Md 20854 Tel: 301-7625619
Pan Dodecaniasian Societies 36-14 36th Avenue Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-7862458
Pan Icarian Brotherhood of America "Icaros" 1476 Pinehurst Road Dunedin, FL 34698 Tel: 813-7331878
Pan Icarian Brotherhood of America "Pandiki" Chapter #5 87-22 52nd Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373 Tel: 718-5928980
Pan Kerkyraikos Ass'n 31-80 41st Street Astoria, NY 11103 Tel: 718-7296934
Pan Lamnian Philantrhopic Ass'n "Hephaestos" P.O. Box 6358 Long Island City, NY 11106
Pan Lesvian Society of America 33-05 31st Avenue Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-3317902
Pan Lesvian Society of Connecticut 757 Ridge Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 Tel: 203-5637922
Pan Lesvian Society of New England 34 Kinnaird Street Cambridge, MA 02139
Pan Rhodian Society of America Apollon Inc. 31 Fleetwood Road Newington, CT 06111 Tel: 203-6660294
Panagia Vrisiani Society Mesohoriton of Karpathos 11 Glen West Ct. Baltimore, MD 21237
Panchiaki Korais Society 58 Surrey Rd. New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Tel: 516-3266792
Pan Cyprian (Athletic Division) 20-27 147th Street Whitestone, NY 11357
Pan Cyprian Ass'n (Youth) 23-15 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-5453533
Pan Cyprian Ass'n of America 23-15 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-2789729
Pan Cyprian Ass'n of Florida 2016 Little Neck Rd. Clearwater, FL 34615 Tel: 813-4617019
Pan Cyprian Ass'n Cultural Division 23-09 24th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102
Pan Cyprians of Metropolitan Washington P.O. Box 7986 Langley Park, MD 20787 Tel: 301-2771266
Pan Cyprians of Metropolitan Washington P.O. Box 430 College Park, MD 204741
Pan Cyprians of Washington DC 51-41 Bradfield Dr. Annandale, VA 22003 Tel: 703-3236352
Pan Paphian Ass'n 525 Green Grove Rd. Wayside, NJ 07712 Tel: 908-5313100
Pan Imbrian Benevolent Society "Imbros" 41 80th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 Tel: 718-8915051
Pan Pontian Federation of USA 975 Vanderbilt Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11238 Tel: 718-7830663
Panagia Soumela Pontion Amerikis P.O. Box 5232 Woolsey St. Astoria, NY 11105-9998 Tel: 718-7283500
Pontiaki Estia of Mass. 469 Albany Street Boston, MA 02188 Tel: 617-3385710
Pontian Society "Akritai" 6456 Market Street Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel: 215-3523525
Pontian Society "Komninoi" 31-25 23rd Avenue Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7289292
Pontian Society "Panagia Soumela" 426 Wayfarer Court Tarpon Springns, FL 34689 Tel: 813-934-4713
Pontian Society "Panagia Soumela" of Boston 587 Albany Street Boston, MA 02118 Tel: 617-3387453
Pontian Society "Phoenix" of Cleveland 15525 Detroit Avenue Lakewood, OH 44107
Pontian Society "Efxenos Pontos" 962 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14607 Tel: 716-3941212
Pontian Society "Pontos" 210 Connecticut Ave. Norwalk, CT 06854 Tel: 203-8520023
Pontos Society of Jersey City 22 Colonial Drive Bayonne, NJ 07002 Tel: 201-8230304
Pontos Society of Watervliet 4 The Carousel Latham, NY 12110 Tel: 518-7851413
Rathamanthus-Ide of Boston 3 Cherwick Road Peabody, MA 01960
SAE North & South America Region Tel: 312-8477433
SAE World Council of Hellenes Abroad 333 N. Dearborn St. -Ste. 602 Chicago, IL 60610 Tel: 312-8220724
St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church (ILLINOIS, USA)
Sons of Pericles - District 2
The Steno Society of Illinois Tel: 847-8180030 Fax: 847-8180057 Email
Solon Society Inc. Hellenic Univ.Cultural Society P.O. Box 87 Garden City, NY 11530
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church 4020 N. Sherman Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana Tel 46226-4464 (317) 547-9356 Fax: 547-4520
Senior Citizens Housing Commission 3803 Browen Rd. Lancester, NY 14086 Tel: 716-683-7561
Sweden - Greek Organization Hellenic Club in Sweden
Saint Charalambos 1821 Curlew Rd Cretan House "Orange Blossom" Pal Harbor, in Clearwater Florida
Siatista Society 150-24 58th Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 Tel: 718-7620085
Sons & Daughters Youth Chapter 15 Lloyd Street Winchester, MA 01890
St. Dionyssios Koryssos 491 Brinkenhoff Avenue Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Sparta Brotherhood 6669 Ramona Lincolnwood, IL 60646 Tel: 312-3382900
Sparta Fraternity 95-20 4th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Tel: 718-8360909
Sparta Society of Chicago 9101 North National Morth Grove, IL 60053 Tel: 847-9664536
Sparta Society of New York 30-55 69th Street Jackson Height, NY 11377
St. Andrew's Society of Patras 3855 Grace Lane Glenview, IL 60025 Tel: 312-7295667
St. Athanasios Association of Perista (Nafpaktos) 242 Beach 124 Street Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Tel: 718-4744842
St. Demetrios Naupactias Brotherhood of America 22-13 Mickle Avenue Bronx, NY 10469 Tel: 718-6551224
Sons & Daughters of Kastrakini Inc. P.O. Box #2 Lowell, MA 01853 Tel: 508-4520116
Syros Society Of New York 305 E. 72nd Street New York, NY 10021, Tel: 212-7448875
Skopeliton Society "Agios Riginos" Rd 10 519 Ingrassia Rd. Middletown, NY 10490 Tel: 914-3432714
Samos Society Pythagoras Inc. 31-80 41st Street Long Island City, NY 11103 Tel: 718-2788501
St. Emilianos Kalimasia Chian Sociaty 63-69 78th Street Middle Village, NY 11379 Tel: 718-8940251
St. George Society Spoiton of Karpathos - Cleveland 4477 Hialeah Dr. Parma, OH 44134
Step Forward United Greek Cypriots of No. CA 1570 La Verida Rd. Berkley, CA 94708 Tel: 510-8454956
Thrace - The Land of Orpheus
Thessalian Society REGAS FERAIOS
Thassos Society 31-22 31st Street Astoria, NY 11106 Tel: 718-2670577
Theodora Chapter 90 Totman Road Lowell, MA 01854
Thessalonikian Society 31-32 Ditmars Blvd. Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7281299
Tsintzina Society 312 N. Glen Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 Tel: 410-2801417
Theveon Society "Epaminondas" 524 Summit Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Tel: 201-9918240
UHAC United Hellenic American Congress 333 No. Dearborn Street #602 Chicago, IL 60610 Tel: 312-8229888
United Hellenic American Soc. of No. CA 154 Mountain Ave. Piedmont, CA 94611 Tel: 510-3392947
United Hellenic League of Greaer Lowell 14 Harding Street Lowell, MA 01851 Tel: 508-4536200
United Hellenic Voters of America 1218 W. Byron Addison, IL 60101 Tel: 708-6281721
United SouthEast Ass'n of Greek-Americans (U.S.A.G.A.) 9248 S. Keeler Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Tel: 708-4231245
United Epirotic Societies 6346 W. Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60634 Tel: 312-7772365
United Society of Pan-Arkadians 120 Addison Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 Tel: 312-8341000
United Pireotes of America P.O. Box 5699 Astoria, NY 11105 Tel: 718-7212509
United Chian Youth of the Americans 32 Depew St. Dumont, NJ 07628 Tel: 201-3855692
United Chios Society of America 409 Long Ridge Drive Seven Hills, OH 44131 Tel: 216-7491054
United Socities of Lesvos 1417 Burmont Rd Drexel Hills, PA 19026 Tel: 215-4498327
United Cyprians 49-12 169th Street Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 Tel: 718-7621442
United Cyprians of America (Ladies Division) 28-16 Astoria Blvd. Astoria, NY 11102 Tel: 718-2786456
United Cyprians of America (Men's Division) 49-12 169th Street Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
United Cyprians of So. CA 8032 Bluebird Lane La Palma, CA 90623 Tel: 310-8092604
United Cypriots of Ohio 910 Oxford Street Campbell, OH 44405 Tel: 216-7556960
United Greek Cypriots of No. CA 2842 Johnson Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 Tel: 510-5222655
Verein griechischer Studenten und Akademiker in Wien (V.G.S.A.) Society of Greek Scientists and Students of Vienna
Velvedinon Society Philopatria 21 Waverly Road Haventown, PA 19083
Velvedinon Society Prophetis Elias 14680 Indian Creek Middleburg Hts, OH 44130 Tel: 216-2346889
Vasilakion Society of the U.S. & Canada 3403 Arnold Lane Falls Church, VA 22042
Vassara Society of Boston 115 Brandies Road Newton Centre, MA 02159
Vryseon Anavrytis Society 13 Holland Lane Cranbury, NJ 08512
Venizelos Chapter, Wheeling, WV 8 Scott Road Washington, PA 15301
Volanis Akrotiri Chapter, Weirton, WV 3173 Penna Avenue Weirton, WV 26062
Voladioton Society of Karpathos 51 St. Phillips Drive Clifton, NJ 07013
Western Policy Center 7801 Folsom Blvd. Suite 196 Sacramento, CA 95826 2397 Tel: 916-3837000
World Hellenism P.O. Box 2207 Riverdale, NJ 07675 Tel: 908-7541603
Women of Pieria - PA 133 Marlboro Road Upper Darby, PA 19082 Tel: 215-3522406
Yiannina Cultural Association
Zarafona-Kallithea Society 9227 Merrill Street Morton Grove, IL 60053
Zeus Cretagenis-Sacramento 485 Daury Road Auburn, CA 95603


EK II : 16 Şubat 1996 Tarihli Yunan Notası


ANKARANo: 155/159/688

The Embassy of Greece in Ankara presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with respect to its Verbal Note DHGY-II-180 dated 29.1.1996, has the honour to bring to its attention the following:

The Embassy wishes to reiterate and confirm the contents of its Verbal Note 155/3/50 dated 9.1.1996, with respect to the validity and applicability of the two 1932 Italio-Turkish agreements concerning the Dodecanese. In particular:

1. The Assertion that the 1932 Italio- Turkish agreements "were negotiated within the context of the particular political situation of the pre-second World War era" does not have any legal significance. Indeed, agreements regarding frontiers and territorial regimes are governed by the principle of stability and are permanent and unchangeable. This rule of General International Law has been expressly codified in article 62 (2) A1.1 of the Vienna convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969, as well as in articles 11 and 12 of the Vienna Convention on succession of states in respect of Treaties of 23 August 1978.

2. Concerning the allegation that the legal procedures with regard to the Italio-Turkish agreement of December 28, 1932 were not completed, and that it was not should be made: The Agreement of December 28, 1932 which was concluded by virtue of the exchange of the Agreement of January 4, 1932, was complementary to the Agreement of January 4, 1932 which was duly ratified by both parties and registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. Consequently, and as the Agreement of December 28, 1932 simply referred to a matter of maritime delimitation in a region where, as its text itself and the exchanged letters mentioned above affirm, no dispute whatsoever existed with regard to sovereignty, it needed no further approval by the parties. Furthermore, from the text of the Agreement of December 28, 1932 which is a complete international conventional instrument, it is evident that the intention of the parties was to put it into effect as from its signature, as indeed was done. For the same reasons, registration with the League of Nations was not needed in this case.

The above constitute an irrefutable truth and Greece has never had any doubts as to the validity of the archives has not revealed the existence of any formal correspondence of 1950 or 1953, nor at any other time, inviting Turkey to talks with a view to confirming the validity of the said agreements. But even if such an invitation had indeed been made, this in no way could affect the validity of agreements in force. As a matter of fact, succession by Greece in the above mentioned agreements was immediate and direct, in accordance with General International Law.

3. Moreover, Turkey in the period 1932 - 1947 and thereafter, until the Imia incident, had not challenged the validity of these agreements. The same holds true for Italy and for the period she was exercising her sovereignty over the Dodecanese Islands. On the contrary, it should be added that Turkey not only in 1932, but also, in 1950, had accepted that there already existed maritime delimitation in the region. This is proved by the Regional Air Navigation Agreement of the Second Middle East Regional Air Navigation Meeting held in Istanbul in 1950, and adopted by the ICAO Council, that the Athens/Istanbul FIR border line coincide with the Turkish Western frontiers in the area, as evidenced by the relevant ICAO map (No 7), and by the official Turkish International Air Navigation map of 1953 published in Ankara. Such a maritime delimitation is also depicted in the official Turkish map attached to the annual report of 1953 on the navigation of ships across the "Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and Marmara Sea", in accordance with the Montreux Convention of 1936. In all these maps, as well as in other Turkish and International Official Maps, the Imia rocks are depicted as belonging to Greece.

4. With respect to the argument concerning Greek proposals submitted during the 1947 Peace Conference to make specific reference to the 1932 agreements, it must be said that the non-inclusion of such reference in the text of the 1947 Peace Treaty, in no way affects the validity of these agreements. The Conference simply preferred for reasons of simplicity and brevity to stay with the corresponding text of Article 15 of Lausanne Peace Treaty, under which the Dodecanese and its adjacent islets were ceded to Italy. To add that the 1947 peace treaty did not include in its provisions pertaining to the cession of territory any mention of other international agreements, without of course this omission having any bearing on their validity.

5. The Imia rocks undoubtedly form part of a chain of islands, islets and rocks of the Dodecanese complex and constitute adjacent islets within the meaning of Article 14 Para 1 of the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty. This fact had been expressly recognized by the Italio-Turkish agreement of December 28, 1932, by referring explicitly to Italian sovereignty over Imia. Furthermore, according to the 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty, Turkish sovereignty is retained, apart from Imbros, Tenedos and Rabbit Islands, only over the islands lying within a 3 mile limit off the Turkish coasts. In this respect, Greece recognizes titles of sovereignty as provided by International Treaties only, not on other extra-legal criteria, such as that of distance (without any legal reference), as mentioned in the Turkish Verbal Note in question, the figures of which are in any case inaccurate.

6. The legal regime of islands is clearly defined and no legal uncertainty exists over it. Moreover all islands, inhabited or not, independently of how they are termed (islets, rocky islands, rocks, etc. -these terms having only geographical and not legal connotation), and irrespectively of their size, are accorded the same legal treatment by both the Lausanne Peace Treaty of 1923 and the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947. Consequently, there is absolutely no vacuum with regard to the legal regime of the islands, as set out above, in the entire Aegean area.

7. Reference is also made in the Turkish Note concerning the demilitarization of the Dodecanese. In this respect, the Embassy would like to recall and confirm the contents of its Verbal Note 158/19/2376 dated 9.9.1993, as well as its previous Verbal Notes on the matter. In addition, the recent resolution of the Turkish National Assembly (June 8, 1995) authorizing the Turkish government to use all means, including the military ones against Greece in case she exercises her legitimate right to extend her territorial waters, as well as the Imia incident itself, confirm beyond any doubt that the Greek argumentation on the matter is both legitimate and justified.

In view of the above, Greece rejects the Turkish allegations and consequently she declares that she is not inclined to negotiate in any manner questions related to her territorial sovereignty based on the International Law and Treaties.

The Embassy of Greece in Ankara avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.

Ankara, 16 February 1996


EK I : 29 Ocak 1996 Tarihli Türk Notası


DHGY - IIThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of Greece and with reference to the Latter's Note dated 9 January 1996, No: 155/3/50. has the honour to bring to the Embassy's attention the following:

The Turkish - Italian Agreement of 4 January 1932 and the subsequent Protocol dated 28 December 1932 concerning the possession of the small southeastern islands in the Aegean and the delimitation of territorial waters in the region have been negotiated within the context of the particular political situation of the pre-Second World War era. The first Agreement duos not concern Kardak rocks.  A reference  was made to Kardak rocks in the December 1932 protocol. However, the legal procedures with regard to the 1932 Protocol were not completed. It was not also registered with the League of Nations. In addition, the Greek proposal submitted during the negotiation of the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty to make a reference to the above mentioned two documents was not accepted, and no such reference was included in the text of the Treaty, due to the legal status of these documents. The fact that Greece has approached the Turkish Government in 1950 and yet again in 1953 proposing talks with a view to exchanging letters between the two Governments ascertaining the validity of the above mentioned two documents between Turkey and Greece shows that Greece herself had doubts as to the validity the said documents.

 The only document that may be referred to regarding the Dodecanese Islands is the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty. The said Treaty by its Article 14.1 stipulates that Italy has ceded to Greece the Dodecanese Islands and enumerates them in name one by one. The same Article also includes "adjacent islets" to those indicated by name. The text of the relevant Article is given hereunder:

 "Italy hereby cedes to Greece in full sovereignty the Dodecanese Islands indicated hereafter, namely Stampalia (Astropalia), Rhodes (Rhodos), Calki (Kharki), Scarpanto, Casos (Casso), Piscopis (Tilos), Misiros (Nisyros) Calimnos (Kalymnos), Leros, Patmos, Lipsos (Lipso), Simi (Symi), Cos (Kos) and Castellorizo, as well as the adjacent islets."

 The Kardak rocks which lie 5.5 nautical miles away from the nearest Greek island can neither be defined as being adjacent nor could they be termed as islets. In this context, the Kardak rocks which lie at 3.8 nautical miles off the Turkish mainland belong to Turkey and the Greek challenge to Turkish sovereignty can not be sustained under international law.

 Furthermore, when attempting to evoke an Article of any Treaty to assume rights, one should also fulfil in good faith the obligations that emanate therefrom. In this context the Ministry would like to remind the Embassy that Article 14.2 of the Paris Peace Treaty stipulates in unequivocal terms that the Dodecanese Islands shall be and shall remain demilitarized.

 The Ministry also deems it necessary to underline that any national legislation, such as the Greek Law 518 dated 3/9 January 1948, entails no legal consequences in international law.

 In view of the foregoing the Ministry can in no way accept the Greek claims as set out in the above referred Note. It is evident that Greece is attempting to extend her sovereignty to islands beyond those ceded to her by the Lausanne Peace Treaty of 1923 and the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947.

 In the light of this background, it is obvious that the possession of small island, islets and rocks in the Aegean has yet to be determined by agreement. Therefore, attempts by Greece to inhabit the small islands, islets and rocks in question in an artificial and demonstrative fashion can in no way create any legal consequences in regard to their status.

 The Government of Turkey is ready to enter into negotiations with Greece with a view to determining the possession of small islands, islets and rocks in the Aegean. After such negotiations the issue of the delimitation of the territorial waters could also be discussed and finalized. In the meantime the Ministry would like to suggest that the parties should refrain from any unilateral act that would aggravate the situation in the region.

 In this context, Turkey requests that the unfortunate deployment of Greek troops on the Kardak rocks be terminated and all signs of sovereignty be removed without delay.

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Greece the assurances of its highest considerations.

Ankara, 29 January 1996

Sayfa 1 / 13


Üye Giriş
